
- 快递配送:运费10元(V4及以上会员包邮),顺丰发货。
- 现场取票:票牛工作人员将在演出开场前1小时至现场派票。工作人员联系方式、具体取票地点将在演出当天以短信通知发送至预留的手机号。






2024-09-14 (周六)

澳门币售价:MOP 80/MOP 180

人民币售价:RMB 80/RMB 180 门票包含境外(含港澳台)服务费


2024-09-15 (周日)

澳门币售价:MOP 180/MOP 280

人民币售价:RMB 180/RMB 280 门票包含境外(含港澳台)服务费



VIP区 / 标准区










「新濠风尚呈献:2024澳门林丹杯羽毛球公开赛」由丹辉(广州)体育文化有限公司主办,新濠集团联合主办,澳门特别行政区政府体育局和羽林(深圳)体育产业有限公司作为支持单位。活动将有力推动澳门的羽毛球运动发展,提升澳门的体育产业发展整体水平,助力建设「体育之城」。透过打造具澳门特色的体育品牌盛事,主办方冀推动澳门的体育、文化、旅游等产业的联动发展,向世界展现澳门城市综合实力,有条件、有能力举办最 高 水 平的体育赛事,同时提升旅客来澳的体验,进一步增强澳门旅游业的竞争力。









  1. 入场人士必须出示门票,一人一票,每位观众只可占用一个座位,不得霸占其他空位。
  2. 入场人士必须遵守主办方之票务条款及限制,场地守则及保安人员的指示。
  3. 场内禁止吸烟。
  4. 售出之门票恕不退款或退换。
  5. 遗失门票,恕不补发。
  6. 门票不可转让。
  7. 场地管理人员有权驱逐任何不遵守球场使用规则的人士离场,而主辨机构将不作退款安排。
  8. 所有人士如携带未经许可的物品,如塑胶、玻璃、金属瓶或容器、瓶装或罐装饮料和食物(婴儿食品及药物除外);任何可用作武器或可能危害健康的物品、物件或物质;机械或非机械性操作的发声工具,例如扩音器、鼓、锣;任何遥控飞行设备或玩具的物品;摄影机、摄录机、三脚架;雨伞、旗杆、自拍杆(含伸缩旗杆);灯牌、横幅、发光发声应援物;大型袋及行李;镭射笔、强光手电,一律禁止进场。
  9. 不得于球场内抛掷物件、粗言秽语或行为不检。
  10. 未经主办机构同意,门票不可用作任何推广活动之用途。
  11. 未获得主办机构同意下,不得在场内派发推广资料、纪念品或赠品,亦不得在场内作任何形式的宣传、推广或销售活动。
  12. 任何未经许可人士进入限制区域,主办机构将保留一切追究权利。
  13. 任何人士在场内闹事、行为不检、行为不雅、引起混乱﹑作出使人反感的行为或参与任何违法活动,从而导致主办机构蒙受损失,主办机构将保留一切追究及索偿权利。
  14. 座位图仅供参考。


Terms and Conditions:

  1. Entry holders must present; one ticket per person, and each spectator may only occupy one seat and must not occupy additional empty seats.
  2. Entry holders must comply with the organizer's ticketing terms and restrictions, the venue's regulations, and the directions of security personnel.
  3. Smoking is prohibited inside the venue.
  4. Tickets sold are non-refundable and non-exchangeable.
  5. Lost tickets will not be reissued.
  6. Tickets are non-transferable.
  7. Venue management has the right to expel anyone who does not comply with the venue usage rules, and the organizer will not arrange for refunds.
  8. All individuals carrying unauthorized items, such as plastic, glass, or metal bottles or containers, bottled or canned beverages and food (except baby food and medication); any items, objects, or substances that can be used as weapons or may endanger health; mechanical or non-mechanical sound-producing devices, such as loudspeakers, drums, or gongs; any remote-controlled flying devices or toy items; cameras, camcorders, tripods; umbrellas, flagpoles, selfie sticks (including extendable flagpoles); light-up and sound-making support items; large bags and luggage; laser pointers, and high-intensity flashlights are strictly prohibited from entering the venue.
  9. Throwing objects, using offensive language, or engaging in inappropriate behavior within the venue is not allowed.
  10. Tickets may not be used for any promotional activities without the organizer's consent.
  11. Distribution of promotional materials, souvenirs, or gifts within the venue is not allowed without the organizer's consent, nor is any form of promotion, advertising, or sales activity permitted inside the venue.
  12. The organizer reserves all rights to pursue action against any unauthorized individuals entering restricted areas.
  13. Any individual causing disturbances, engaging in inappropriate or offensive behavior, creating chaos, making repugnant actions, or participating in any illegal activities resulting in losses for the organizer, will be subject to all rights of pursuit and compensation by the organizer.
  14. The seating chart is for reference only.


热门票随时抢 折扣票随时买